Dead Sea

Relax in the gently lapping waters and be amazed that you can’t sink! You will be in the largest natural spa on earth where you can treat yourself to a soothing massage, or try the well-known healing powers of minerals from the sea’s muddy floor to treat many skin diseases or simply rejuvenate your skin.

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Dana is Jordan’s largest nature reserve, covering some 320 square km of spectacular mountains and wadis along the face of the Great Rift Valley. From scorching sand dunes in the west to cool mountain tops in the east, the Dana Biosphere Reserve is home to a great variety of wildlife.

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Less than 2 kms east of the Jordan River is one of the most important places associated with the lives of Jesus and John the Baptist (pbut), the settlement of Bethany, or Al-Maghtas in Arabic, where John lived and baptized. John 1:28 refer to it as “Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing”.

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Azraq & Shawmari

The increasingly popular location for bird watching.
Azraq is a unique wetland oasis located in the heart of the semi-arid Jordanian eastern desert, one of several beautiful nature reserves managed by the RSCN.

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Enjoy the best panoramic views of the Jordan Valley.
The marvels of nature Jordan and the genius of medieval Arab military,
Ajlun Castle (Qal’at Ar-Rabad) was built by one of Saladin’s generals in 1184 AD to control the iron mines of Ajlun, and to deter the Franks from invading Ajlun.

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Aqaba “Red Sea”

The prime junction for land and sea routes from Asia, Africa and Europe.
Aqaba is a fun place, It is a microcosm of all the good things Jordan has to offer, including a fascinating history with some outstanding sites, including what is believed to be the oldest purpose-built church in the world.

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The marvels of nature Jordan and the genius of medieval Arab military. Amman’s iconic amphitheater is, in fact, a perfect place to attend such events (discounting the steep and sometimes slippery stairs), because the Romans were masters of acoustics. There is a small marking between the stage and the seats.

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Castle located at Al-Karak is an excellent example of medieval military architecture. An ancient Crusader stronghold, Karak sits 900m above sea level and lies inside the walls of the old city. The city today is home to around 170,000 people and continues to boast a number of restored 19th century Ottoman buildings,

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